This May Help:
This May Help has been created for parents and carers to help manage their child’s mental health for a range of issues including anxiety, deescalating anger and school avoidance. Click the below link for more information:
Advice for supporting your child’s mental health | ThisMayHelp
Streetwise (Ages 11-25):
Young people can access free information and advice in an informal, safe, confidential, non-judgemental space. Our services include information and guidance, counselling and wellbeing, youth work and outreach activities, and relationships & sexual health services.
All Streetwise services are welcoming, respectful, confidential, young people friendly and accessible.
Streetwise Young People’s Project (
Kooth (Ages 11-18):
Young people can access free, safe and anonymous support.
If you are feeling suicidal, anxious or low, or are worried about someone else, you can phone the Samaritans free on 116 123
Shout 85258:
Text Shout on 85258 to use a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service
NHS 111:
Visit 111.nhs.ukor call NHS 111
You can also download a range self-help guides
You can also download a range self-help guides