17-19 Heaton Road, Byker, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 1SA

Telephone: 0191 265 5911


There are support services available to help for drug, alcohol, gambling and smoking addiction.

Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.


Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery Service covers all of drug and alcohol services within Newcastle and is an ageless service. To access the service, you can either contact NTaR directly yourself,...

Gambling Addiction

Five signs to consider about your own gambling: Preoccupation – Do you spend much of your day thinking about betting? Are you finding it distracting you whilst at work, or taking...

Stop Smoking

Seeing a local stop smoking adviser is free and will boost your chances of quitting. You can see a trained adviser alone or in a group. Your adviser will give...

Date published: 18th August, 2023
Date last updated: 22nd August, 2023