17-19 Heaton Road, Byker, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 1SA

Telephone: 0191 265 5911

National Abuse Services

National Services

A number of domestic abuse services also operate nationally providing specialist support to survivors, perpetrators and their families.


National Domestic Violence Helpline                        

0808 2000 247

The 24-hour freephone National DV Helpline can provide confidential advice for women experiencing domestic abuse, or others calling on their behalf, from anywhere in the UK. They can also point you towards domestic abuse organisations in your area.


Men’s Advice Line                                                             

0808 801 0327

Confidential advice and support for heterosexual, gay and bi men experiencing domestic abuse.


National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline                         

0800 999 5428

Confidential and independent advice and support to people who have experienced domestic abuse, sexual violence or hate crime.


Forced Marriage Unit                                                         

020 7008 0151

A joint Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office unit which leads on the government’s forced marriage policy, outreach and casework.  It operates a public helpline to provide advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases.


National Centre for Domestic Violence

0800 970 2070

Free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic abuse regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.


Rights of Women

Free confidential legal advice to women on the following advice lines: family law, criminal lawimmigration and asylum and sexual harassment at work.  Check the website for telephone numbers and session times.


Respect Phone Line                                                              

0808 802 4040

Confidential phoneline for domestic violence perpetrators, male or femaleThey offer information and advice to support perpetrators to stop their violence and change their abusive behaviours.

Date published: 21st August, 2023
Date last updated: 21st August, 2023