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NHS Health Check

What is an NHS Health Check:

It is a regular check-up for people aged between 40 and 74 who aren’t already receiving treatment for a long term condition.

The aim is to spot any early signs that could increase your risk of stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.

As we get older, the chances of developing any of these conditions go up. Regular checks can identify risk factors and help you make simple changes to your lifestyle to help reduce those risks.

What happens during the appointment:

During the 30 minute appointment, a Practice Nurse will ask some simple questions about your lifestyle, including your diet, how much you drink or smoke and your exercise habits. We will also record your height, weight and blood pressure.

After the check, you can discuss any changes you could consider with the Practice Nurse to help reduce your risk factors. Often, simple changes can make a big difference.

How do I arrange one:

Typically, you’ll be invited for an NHS Health Checks once you turn 40, and then every five years after that. We will send you a letter inviting you to make an appointment when it is your turn. You can also contact the surgery and arrange an appointment.

You can find out more about NHS Health Checks at healthcheck.nhs.uk

Date published: 20th August, 2023
Date last updated: 20th August, 2023