Welcome to the third Health Awareness Event for the East of the City.
St Silas Church, Wednesday 4th September from 1.00-4.30pm.
Following the enthusiastic feedback from our first two events last year, we have organised another event this year. This will take the form of 4 exciting and informative presentations (in two groups of 2) by a Newcastle Hospital Dietician, Vita Mental Health, Pain Management delivered by Versus Arthritis and Palliative Care delivered by St Oswald’s Hospice. There will also be the opportunity to visit stalls including Retinopathy, Healthwise, St John’s Ambulance, TIMS and Building Futures. You will be able to have your blood pressure, glucose levels, weight, height and BMI checked and don’t forget the ever popular goodie bag!
Doors open at 1pm for those attending Group 1 presentations and stalls will be available for you to explore.
Doors open at 2.30 for those attending Group 2 presentations and stalls will be available for both groups to explore between 2.30-3.30.
Stalls are not available while the presentations are being delivered.
The presentations are in two groups and you can only book into one group. If we have capacity, you will be able to attend both groups.
Group 1 presentations start at 1.30-2.30 followed by time at the stalls.
Group 2 presentations start at 3.30 -4.30 preceded by time to explore the stalls from 2.30-3.30
The two groups are:
Group 1. 1.30-2.30
Hospital dietician
Siobhan will cover some basic healthy eating advice, focusing on Carbohydrates. What is the relationship between carbs and blood glucose levels. This is important to all of us not just those with diabetes.
What are the different types of carbs and their impact on us.
Are all carbs bad for us? Find out about healthy carbs and calorie swaps.
What if you are on medication? How can it be affected by food and activity.
Siobhan and her team will also have a stall you can visit for questions and further information.
Vita Mental Health
We all experience times when we feel like we can’t cope, sometimes this can start to affect our everyday lives and prevent us from doing the things we normally do. Following an introduction to the service, we will show the patient journey, how you can refer into NHS Talking Therapies, the kind of treatments we offer, the clinicians we have and the support we offer for free mental health support for anyone suffering anxiety, low mood, worry and depression.
Suzanne and her team will also have a stall you can visit for questions and further information.
Group 2. 3.30 -4.30
Pain Management
- It can affect anyone regardless of age or gender
- 28 million people in the UK have persistent pain
- Persistent pain counts for 1/3 of total disabilities in the UK
Do you have a joint, bone or muscle condition (e.g. arthritis, fibromyalgia)?
Is pain making day to day living difficult?
Pain and fatigue are common symptoms of many long-term and chronic conditions. You will learn tips and ideas to help manage your pain and live a better life with your condition. Come and listen, you have nothing to lose (except maybe your pain!)
Annie will also have a stall you can visit for questions and further information.
Palliative Care
When you hear the word “Hospice” do you think it is somewhere you go to die, perhaps in the last weeks or days of life?
Today, people are living for much longer with life-limiting illness for which there is no cure. St Oswald’s Focus on Living Centre works with patients and carers to help them to live with as much quality of life as possible, for as long as possible. Some of our patients have been with us for a number of years!
Even when we are relatively healthy, it is important to know what choices we have in terms of our future care. Conversations about illness, death and dying are difficult but necessary. Our loved ones need to know what our wishes are when it comes to facing serious illness and even death.
Come and hear more about the work of St Oswald’s and change your minds about what Hospice care is all about.
Davina and Elaine will also have a stall you can visit for questions and further information.
You can only book to attend one group, Group 1 or Group 2. Each presentation will last 25 minutes so a total of one hour (including 5-10 minutes change over) per group.
Booking is essential. To reserve your place, and book your chosen presentation group, please text 07736973730 with your name, date of birth and GP surgery and either Group 1 or Group 2. If you wish to attend both you also need to add the word Both after your chosen group ie Group 1 Both or Group 2 Both. You will be told if you are able to attend both.